Trait Theory of Leadership

Trait theory suggests that for effective leadership, leaders should share personality traits with their followers. The approach is significant in the identification of qualities and traits, such as empathy, assertiveness, likability, integrity, and decision-making. Traits are observable behaviors, which are essential aspects of effective leadership. Therefore, the nurse leader should inspire patients, establish direction, and motivate colleagues towards specified goals. Nurses play a critical role in directing and guiding patients. For instance, when patients arrive at the medical facility, a nurse should guide them from the time they enter the health facility until the time of discharge (Butt & Rich, 2017). Nurses enhance order in the health facility. Inadequate information in any facility might bring confusion, affect service delivery, and waste time.

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The integrity of a nurse should inspire and motivate both the patients and colleagues towards a specified goal. The patients rely extensively on the advice given by the nurses concerning their problems. In addition, nurses use the platform to encourage patients towards their recovery process (Fleenor 2006). Therefore, motivating patients may reduce recovery time. Through the trait theory, nurses can bond with their patients and show empathy even for the terminally ill. Hence, this trait is important and encourages the patients to follow instructions given by the nurses since they are assured that nurses understand what they are facing (Scully, 2015). More importantly, it is always easier for patients to confide to a nurse who understands their issues.

Trait theory of leadership is utilized by the nurses to meet the set goal. The nurses can give direction to the patients to improve efficiency in service delivery. The nurse’s integrity and empathy can inspire and motivate the patients towards recovery. Through the trait theory, patients can reveal their feelings when they are assured that nurses are ready and willing to assist them.

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