The Marriage of Art and Business

Chapter 5: About Artists

Initially, there are major objectives of the relationship between art and business. Some of the common questions include how the two can marry when artist relates to creative independence and business is about obligation to stakeholders or why it can work when the business motivation is profit, and artistic motivation is an exploration of ideas. According to Pruitt (2015), the two are more similar than different, making the relationship stronger than the simplistic focus on the different products. The two involves capturing of an idea to make the end product. The two involves having in place a layout and organization within the structure that guides the operation and decision-making, which involve a creative and innovative process. The viability of the art and the business is key since only something viable can attract an audience. In most cases, the artists are businesses coming together, marketing of the art to the audience, and artists working as consultants in business. From the principle that opposites attract but similarities bond, the two processes are more similar than different; hence, the two marry.

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Literature-The Language of Art

The conventional idea when one speaks about literature is the written form. However, Jewell (2011) presents the idea that literature does not only have to be in the written form since others are performed, like plays and video scripts. There are also those that are a blend of the visual forms resulting in comic books, cards, or posters. From the point of view of the literature telling a story, it becomes plausible to suggest that even stage art and visual art are pieces of literature. They use art and literary principles in telling the story. There are other forms of literature that are meant for reading aloud, good examples being poetry and plays (pp. 1-5). It emerges that there are instances when literature comes alive, like in poetry and plays, primarily because it has to be read aloud. These aspects of literature are also meant for performance, including poetry, which is perceived as the music of the literary world. In essence, literature is the language of art and should be viewed as more than the written form.

Literary Arts

Literary Arts is any form of creative writing or literature. There are various facets relating to the expression of ideas by humans. Literary arts are among the mediums of expression artists use to communicate their ideas. Artists have an array of work within different representative formats of art. Creation of original forms of art is critical for the artists to be able to communicate to their audience. It also allows for the creation of a literary world by the artists, each assuming their space. Literary arts make it possible, providing the necessary space for the artists to create their works.

Chapter 10 – Internet as Medium

The development of alternative media is a phenomenon that has come to the fore in the wake of the advent of the internet. The development has revolutionized the way people create art. The internet is a new space for producing and distributing art and literature in the modern world. It is also a means for conception of art. The conventional form of art is being produced through the digital format, hence, allowing for ease in creation and distribution. The development has also revolutionized the storage of art for the future use in digital archives (Nguyen 155-156). The Art, law, and the Internet are interacting largely to create future expressions. With the development, other legal and policy issues have arisen to regulate the creation and use of digital products. Such include copyright and intellectual property.

Copyright & Intellectual Property

Copyright law is established as the IP law, which is responsible for governing artistic and literary works. Copyright law is an umbrella law covering various forms of artistic and literary works, such as literary and pictorial works, sound recordings, and motion pictures. Any individual who develops such original work is entitled to copyright protection, under which one is offered exclusive rights to production, public distribution, adaptation, public display, public performance, and digital transmission. The law is developed under the IP law with the aim of encouraging creativity and innovation. The law recognizes the criticality of protection in giving an incentive to creators of original artistic and literary works (Nguyen 156-157). While the observance of copyright law has traditionally been possible, the creation of digital formats of literary and artistic works creates a challenge in the protection of copyright. More innovative measures for the protection of copyright are critical in the modern environment.

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Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Through Information Policy

Raman (2004) observed that the modern world had entered an electronic age, rendering intellectual property, “original creative work manifested in a tangible form that can be legally protected,” as the most critical asset for organizations. Protection of the IP, hence, is a critical process for the organization. The author indicates the significance of an information policy with clear dictates on the ownership and utilization of IP. The establishment of such a policy in the organization is the basis for cost-effective use of information. With the changes in the creation and use of information in the modern age, as a result of the internet, the conventional laws and policies relating to IP are no longer feasible. Therefore, the solution lies in designing a corporate policy relating to protecting IP rights. Although there are still violations of IP rights in the modern age, a company can save a lot with effective measures to protect the IP rights. Major reforms in the policy will go a long way in allowing organizations to capitalize on this imperative asset.

Copyright – Fair Use – and How it Works for Online Images

Fair use relates to work that is protected under copyright, giving a lawful exclusion of the exceptional rights of the copyrighted work to the owner. The primary focus of fair use is not necessarily related to the conventional idea of what is fair. It is simply a means of creating a balance between the rights of the owner of copyright and public interests in the use of the copyrighted material. When it comes to the use of online images, there are important questions that should be asked. These questions relate to whether the user understands the concept of fair use, the purpose for using the image, any possible changes, and how much of the image will be used. The questions should be understood to be able to use the image without risking closure of the website.


Works Cited

Jewell, Richard. Literature: The Language Art, in Experiencing the Humanities, McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.

Literary Arts. Retrieved from

Nguyen, Phu. Internet as Medium: Art, Law, and the Digital Environment, Chapter 10

Pruitt Stephanie. (Un)Likely Bedfellows: The Marriage of Art and Business, 2015. Retrieved


Raman, Karthik. Protecting intellectual property rights through information policy, Ubiquity, Vol. 2004 Issue

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