Positive Social Change: Walden University


To the entire fraternity of Walden University, social change has become an integral part of the institution’s philosophy. In fact, the commitment has been clearly included in the university’s mission that which promises to pursue positive social change (Walden University. 2016). Therefore, all the students, alumni, staff, and faculties live to impact change, especially the people who live around and to the world at large. As a member of the larger university fraternity, I have realized my position as an agent for social change in the areas of scholarly, applied, and inspired change.

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Advocacy and Making Social Change

By collaborating with the leadership and fellow students, I have had the opportunity to participate in curriculum development and assessment programs for scholarly change. Moreover, by actively engaging in interdisciplinary research to improve the cultures, organizations, and the entire fraternity, the initiative changes the scholarly society at large (Gross, 2015). On the other hand, during the global days of service, all the participants actively transform the school’s neighborhood for the common good. Therefore, as part of the Walden University community, I enjoy engaging in such an exercise for applied change as often as possible. Finally, by contributing to the university blogs and feature stories, I get the opportunity to further the mission by initiating a difference in society. Such compositions are readily and easily accessed even beyond the borders of the university, hence stimulating change in society (Gross, 2015). Therefore, participation and engagement in activities aimed at promoting common transformation enable me to stand as an advocate for the school’s mission.


Evidently, the commitment towards effecting collective difference, as has been the mission of Walden University, cuts across the entire school fraternity. Therefore, students are actively involved in advocacy and living in accordance with the mission. As a student, I have engaged in inspiring and applying change through active participation and scholarly change.



Gross, G. (2015). Social change talk with Jon Kaplan, President of Walden University. Retrieved September 09, 2016, from http://www.triplepundit.com/2009/09/social-change-talk-with-walden-university/

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Walden University. (2016). Social change. Retrieved September 09, 2016, from https://www.waldenu.edu/about/social-change

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