
Evidence-based practice is critical in improving the quality of health care. Clinicians conduct research and use various sources of evidence for use in practice. Although one research article can be useful, the meta-analysis or meta-synthesis approach provides the most quality and reliable evidence.

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Meta-analysis or meta-synthesis is a source of quality evidence for use in clinical practice. The approach is a reliable source because of its scientific reflection and rigorous design. It provides accurate results of clinical interventions to address problems (Gopalakrishnan & Ganeshkumar, 2013). Quality evidence is vital for decision-making and clinical judgment among diverse health care providers. Clinicians have the opportunity to evaluate several research articles before integrating them into the Meta-analysis or meta-synthesis.

Recommendations based on meta-analysis or meta-synthesis plays a significant role in improving the quality of care. The significance of the recommendations emanates from the evaluation and analysis of diverse perspectives. The implementation of the results of such studies enhances the quality of care because they are based on quality evidence (Korhonen, Hakulinen-Viitanen, Jylhä, & Holopainen, 2013). Clinicians have the opportunity to evaluate multiple sources, identify the strengths, and mitigate the limitations to use reliable evidence of the efficacy of interventions.

The use of meta-analyses or meta-synthesis differs from the application of findings from a single article. Although single studies can also provide significant evidence for use in clinical practice, they are marred with limitations, which cannot be addressed by additional evidence from another article (Gopalakrishnan & Ganeshkumar, 2013). Besides, a single article fails to use diverse perspectives, creating a lack of objectivity.

Overall, meta-analysis or meta-synthesis provides quality and objective evidence from diverse sources. The approach has the mechanism to address limitations because it can evaluate many sources. Therefore,  meta-analysis or meta-synthesis offers stronger and more quality evidence compared to single article analysis.

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