Leadership Reflection Paper

Leadership competencies exemplify the nursing profession. Proficiencies, such as effective communication, leadership knowledge, professionalism, and entrepreneurship skills are essential qualities in the nursing professions under the American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) (D’Agostino, 2016). Therefore, leadership plays a role in managing quality, professionalism, and sound decision making during healthcare provision.

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Clara Barton (1821-1912) was an inspirational nursing leader who saw the founding of the Red Cross Society. Clara was effective in the nursing profession and managed to fill in the gap of the limited capacity of the United States (U.S) war department of providing shelter and food for the sick and wounded soldiers (Strickler, 2018). Additionally, her support as an army camp follower confirms her leadership to warrant accolades of “true heroine of age, the angel of the battlefield.” (Strickler, 2018, p. 44). The Red Cross and its global responsibilities demonstrate the effectiveness of her leadership.

The nursing profession plays a significant role in the delivery of healthcare. Those in the line of academic as nurse educators should receive adequate training to deliver leadership skills and become role models to aspiring student nurses (Halcomb et al., 2016). Leadership competencies are important attributes to a nursing academician since they prepare clinical leaders for the next general (Halcomb et al., 2016). Hence, educators should succinctly articulate leadership views and provide insights to aspiring nurses to provide competent guidance and service.

Leadership skills help to manage my daily operations as a nurse educator. Those capabilities will influence me to attain and deliver critical talents expected in the profession. The topic contributes to my growth as an educator since it provides personal expectation when running my professional affairs. I realize that providing leadership and mentorship to nursing students prepare them to face challenges in healthcare delivery while enhancing efficiency and professionalism in the nursing profession.

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