Evaluation Tools


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One of the methods that will be used to evaluate the project is an observational checklist. The tool will be useful to collect information and make a judgment regarding the outcome of the program implemented to teach cultural sensitivity to nurses in a community health facility. The tool enables the collection of data about particular skills, behaviors, and knowledge. The quality of the collected information using a checklist depends on the descriptors the evaluator used for the assessment. Its successful use also depends on the direct participation of learners in the evaluation. It also depends on the degree of understanding of the provided feedback. The tool will be useful based on the observations made by the evaluator regarding changes in practice following the implementation of the training program (Clark, 2015). The evaluation will use the checklist below in evaluating the training program.

Good Average Poor
The level of understanding of the audience about the need for cultural sensitivity when working with Hispanic patients.      
The level of understanding among nurses about personal triggers that can cause adverse reactions relating to cultural disparities.      
The level of understanding about how to become culturally competent when working with Hispanic patients.      
The proficiency in applying cultural sensitivity knowledge when communicating and interacting with Hispanic patients      
The effectiveness of the use of cultural sensitivity skills in providing quality care to Hispanic patients.      
Rate the current level of patient satisfaction with the kind of care provided at the community healthcare facility after the implementation of the training program.      



The other tool that will be used to collect evaluation data from the participants in the project is a questionnaire. The device is a particular set of questions that help the evaluator to gather information from a selected number of respondents. It is a question and answer tool that helps to collect information about various measures of the outcome of the training program, such as the level of change in knowledge acquisition or the change in attitude or behavior targeted to a specific group (Hispanics) following training in cultural sensitivity. The quality of the questionnaire depends on the type of questions asked, either closed- or open-ended, structured or unstructured (Nilsson et al., 2014). The survey will be based on the objective of the study to educate. The evaluator will use the questions below:

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  1. How would you rate the training program’s sequence and flow?
  2. Did you feel sufficiently engaged in the training?
  3. Can you sufficiently define the concept of cultural sensitivity?
  4. Do you understand the importance of cultural sensitivity?
  5. Do you believe the training program improved your understanding of cultural sensitivity?
  6. Do you feel that you have become more knowledgeable about cultural sensitivity after completing the training program?
  7. How would you rate the effectiveness of the training program?

The two evaluation tools will generate quality information regarding the effectiveness of the cultural sensitivity training program in the community health facility targeted to improve the care provided to Hispanic patients. However, the quality of the information depends on the statements being rated, and questions answered by nurses. They also rely on the involvement of participants in the process. The tools will provide data to show whether the training program achieved its objective to improve cultural sensitivity among trained nurses. Decision-making will follow depending on the outcome of the program to establish whether it was a worthwhile investment for the organization.

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