Essential Ingredients of Mental Health

Mental health may influence human rationality. The majority of psychological challenges emanate from poor mental orientations towards issues in life. Many people experience anxiety and higher levels of depression as reactions from extraordinary experiences. Accordingly, transpersonal experiences are essential to mental health development (Friedman and Hartelius, 606). Individuals connected with human and nature provide serenity to the mind and enhance psychological activity, leading to mental health wellness. Therefore, eco-psychological approaches significantly impact brain activity and can improve mental health based on their management, they. Although every person will likely experience a psychological crisis in a lifetime, managing the impacts through therapies and other models can enhance mental health stability.

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Religious and spiritual perspectives are significant ingredients of mental health (Friedman and Hartelius 419). Spiritual practices such as prayer, attending religious activities, meditation, and spending time with nature create essential connections to mental health (Friedman and Hartelius, 606). The purpose of attributes is to achieve psychological calmness and peace, which enhance mental health wellness. Connecting with one’s self and being able to synchronize the mind and the body can support mental health wellness program. Effective attainment of the status can be realized through meditation. Therefore, meditation is a significant ingredient of mental health (Friedman and Hartelius 434). Activities such as yoga, Qi Gong Tai and Chi, among other techniques of meditation, have positive effects on mental health (Friedman and Hartelius 434). Hence, when an individual experience various psychological issues, clinical therapeutic interventions can solve them. Notably, therapies that utilize integrated approaches, such as linking the body to the mind or the mind to nature through various interventions, effectively enhance mental health.


Work Cited

Friedman, Harris L., and Glenn Hartelius. The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of transpersonal psychology. John Wiley & Sons, 2015, pp. 1-691.

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