Can Anything Ever be Experienced Objectively?


It is possible to experience something objectively because humans are created and nurtured in an objective manner (Halper 21). Even those subjective senses have an objective learning because they are based on a certain purpose. All forms of philosophy are inclined on the aspect of objectivity because without impartiality, there is no experience. As a result, not all experiences are subjective in nature. Experiences like emotion, love, and fear are considered objective. However, when explored comprehensively, they have a tinge of objectivity. People’s lives are based on decisions made through the course of living. These resolutions are based on the experiences they have during life. However, it is also possible that people’s experiences result from their conscious decisions. Hence, it implies that human beings experience objective aspects during their lifetime. Therefore, human beings have objective experiences like love, emotions, ethics, morality, culture, civilization, and religion, which will be the areas of concern.

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Objective Experiences

The experiences people have in life can be unbiased since the nature and quality of life is a result of choices made objectively. For instance, Plato indicated, “Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws” (Hermann 56). The decision to do wrong or right is based on individual choices, indicating that both bad and good people must exist. Hence, it implies that the experiences people have are based on their choices and decisions. Therefore, encouraging experiences are held by those who do good, while bad situations befall individuals who choose to behave badly. Both good and bad experiences are objective in nature. Plato insists that good people can operate in a society without laws since they can make conscious decisions to do the right things. On the other hand, bad people can never do the right things because they have consciously decided to indulge in the wrong things.

Plato’s statement that, “People are like dirt. They can nourish you and help you grow as a person, or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die,” is evidence that there is a great role played by objectivity and conscious thought in human life (Thesleff 92). The author alludes to the fact that the subjective experiences of life cannot affect a person’s direction since the objective and purposeful thinking of a person had the final say in determining the philosophy of life. Therefore, Plato states that the role of people influencing others is only effective if the person chooses to be influenced in that direction.  

According to Plato, “The human behavior flows from three main sources, including desire, emotion, and knowledge” (Hermann 78). Hence, it implies that the process of developing conduct is objective, as the individual must choose the behavior he or she wants in life. Therefore, there this is proof that people we can have objective experiences.

Conscious Thought

According to Aristotle, as cited by Halper, “It is the mark of an educated mind that can entertain a thought without accepting it (65).” In fact, the quote is evident enough that human beings can have objective experiences. If education improves the discretion of an individual to the extent that the same individual can think about an idea without considering it or embrace it, then it is possible to experience something objective. The very aspect of thinking about an idea without embracing it is an objective process of thought because the individual chooses to mull over the notion but knows very well that it is unacceptable. If this is a subjective experience, once the person considers the idea, they will accept it as appropriate.  

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Aristotle also states, “Happiness depends on ourselves” (Halper 88). In this case, it implies that happiness is not a subjective experience rather, it is objective because we can choose to be happy or not. Therefore, it confirms that we can indeed experience something objective. If we are responsible for our happiness, then the process of achieving and enjoying happiness is objective in nature.

According to Halper, “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly since we have virtue or excellence rather, we act rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act but a habit” (49). As such, the quote by Aristotle confirms that the path of life is based on the objective and conscious choices made by people. Therefore, anything that becomes successful in life is often achieved through a process of deliberate choice and discretion in which an individual decides what and how he or she wants to live. Aristotle took the example of successful art, which he states that emanates from learning, training, and not natural predisposition.  

Aristotle’s quote, “Good habits formed at youth make all the difference,” is fundamental in confirming objective involvement in life since good habits are not innate but developed (Halper 102). Hence, it implies that we can have experiences that are objective as we choose how to live. If we choose our habits or modes of conduct, then it is apparent that we choose the experiences we have. As such, anything that is chosen or created out of conscious thought is objective in nature.


As argued in the above discussion, there is a high possibility that we can experience something objectivity on the aspect of purpose. Every experience in life is meant to fulfill a resolution. Purpose can never be subjective in nature; therefore, we experience various issues objectively. Both Plato and Aristotle epitomize the fact that experiences can be objective. The quotes by the two philosophers show that there are objective experiences, most of which are considered subjective. For instance, love is often associated with emotions or feelings, which are considered subjective experiences. Therefore, love is also considered a subjective experience. However, love is purposeful, and people can fall in love objectively. Furthermore, people can choose the person to love, implying that love is an objective experience. From the philosophical stipulations of major philosophers across the world, it is palpable that people can have objective experiences. What is evident is that several objective experiences are mistaken to be subjective. Ethics, morality, and religion are matters that are considered subjective. However, people’s moral or ethical values are anchored on their firm objective beliefs and thoughts. Therefore, people can choose what to consider as right or wrong. Finally, individuals can choose which religion to join or be part of since humans usually have several objective experiences.


Works Cited

Halper, Edward C. One and Many in Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Volume 1: Books Alpha – Delta.      Parmenides Publishing, 2009. 

Halper, Edward C. One and Many in Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Volume 2: The Central Books. Parmenides Publishing, 2005.

Hermann, Arnold. Plato’s Parmenides: Text, Translation & Introductory Essay. Parmenides Publishing, 2010.

Thesleff, Holger. Platonic Patterns: A Collection of Studies by Holger Thesleff. Parmenides Publishing, 2009. 

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