Analysis and Application of the PCN Framework

Origin of the Model

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The person-centered nursing framework is commonly used in nursing to implement quality care that focuses on the client. McCormack and McCance proposed the framework in 2006 (Santana et al., 2018).

Meaning of the Model

The patient-centered nursing framework emphasizes the central role of the patient. It entails involving the patient in making decisions about their care (Wolstenholme, Ross, Cobb, & Bowen, 2017). It includes critical sharing of information between providers and recipients of services.

Logical Adequacy of the Model

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The model can be applied in practice because of its empirically development. It comprises of important nursing concepts and structures that define the model outside its real definition.

The usefulness of the Model

According to Greene, Tuzzio, and Cherkin (2012), PCN model is based on the association between the care providers and the patients. Therefore, the provider takes into account the health care needs, preferences, and values of the client.

Generalizability of the Model

The framework is useful in all environments of patient care. The model is generalizable in hospitals and other healthcare facilities (Santana et al. 2018). It supports care in all settings globally.

The Degree of Parsimony within the Model

The model demonstrates a high degree of parsimony because of the autonomy of usage and the presence of temperate parameters. The PCN framework is applicable in both hypothesis testing and developing.

Testability of the Model

The person-centered nursing framework is testable by collecting data on use and implications on health care facilities and quality care outcomes.

PCN Model as a Theoretical Framework for Nursing Practice

The framework focus on the operational concepts of nursing, especially during care provision. PCN model emphasizes on structural aspects of the nursing practice where nurses provide care to patients. The model shapes the care process and outcome. It can be used in nursing research and practice; hence, it is a theoretical framework.

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