An Example of a Personal Statement

Coming from Dubai, one of the most diverse cities in the world with people from over 144 different nationalities, I spent most of my high school life in an international school. This allowed me to interact with students from across the globe. I was fortunate to learn about different cultures, making interaction with others a more authentic experience. The above factors have greatly influenced the selection of my university.

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Compared to my high school, the University of Sussex is a place of diversity. The facility hosts students from 150 different countries. Apart from offering educational growth, the institution is also recognized for providing a sense of fulfillment. A study conducted in 2016 by the National Student Survey showed a rise in student satisfaction at the university. In addition, 84% of the learners confirmed they were happy with their experience there. These are some of the reasons why it remains my university of choice.

Selecting a campus has been difficult, and I was happy to realize that the University of Sussex met all my specifications. First, it has the best faculty and facilities, which aid the provision of quality education. Notably, its administration and staff have a reputation for meeting the needs of both local and international students. This explains its ranking among the top 200 institutions by QS in 2019. In such an environment, I am assured of achieving my educational goals.

Narrowing down to my field of specialization, the University of Sussex remains a suitable institution for me. I am choosing to pursue a course in business marketing. Information from the institute’s website and reports from external sources show that the campus scores highly in development studies globally. This means that the graduates are equipped with knowledge that will be essential in their places of work. Being among the current staff and other determined students will help me achieve my career goal, which is to improve marketing practices and satisfy customers’ demands.

In addition to developing intellectually, I also hope to achieve social growth, and the University of Sussex is the perfect place to attain such aspirations. The campus is located a few kilometers from central Brighton, which was ranked the “happiest city in England for students,” according to the University’s website. This city provides a sense of metropolitan life to the learners and facilitates their character development as they interact with a broad range of other people. I am convinced that being a student in the institution will aid my socialization skills, which are essential to becoming a successful business marketer. The challenges I face in the social context will also help me deepen my thinking and develop ways of dealing with similar issues in my place of work.

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Pursuing business marketing was not a one-day decision. The constant exposure to the industry by attending my father’s workplace stimulated my interest. Growing up, my father often encouraged me to attend to minor tasks at his office, including printing documents and writing lists of potential investors. With time, I was fascinated by the practice of selling products to customers. I also learned about consumer preferences and how companies successfully met their clients’ needs.

This early experience with business marketing became a pillar of my career choice. In addition, I received some necessary information about the course during my life in high school. However, what I learned then may not be enough to enhance my skills sufficiently. Hence, the University of Sussex will play a critical role in my career development. I anticipate learning more about the profession and how I can excel as a business marketer in the presence of diverse customers with different needs.

Furthermore, the nature of business marketing also influenced my decision to pursue this course. The practice is diverse and can be conducted over the Internet or face-to-face. Thus, it indicates that several options are available. This career path also provides room for personal growth. Crucially, the changing environment of the world often influences consumer behavior. Therefore, business marketing must also become dynamic, and innovation should be enhanced to satisfy the customer’s diverse needs.

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