Admission Essay: Statement of Purpose

The belief that education is the most powerful tool human beings can use to change the world and serve their communities was instilled in me in childhood and has strengthened with time. Since elementary level, I have enjoyed and performed well in sciences and mathematics; hence, electrical engineering was my most natural career. Moreover, I have pursued academic excellence through meticulous planning and collaboration with peers and teachers. I am also glad to acknowledge that I have surmounted various challenges to be where I am today. Owing to my optimism, I have conquered the frustrations that have stood on the way to academic success. In addition to that, I am always patient and willing to learn through experience. Primarily, I am guided by the need to solve societal challenges through investment in technology and human resource, and academics play a key role in making this possible. As I apply for consideration for my masters as an electrical engineering major, the rationale for this statement of purpose is to present my candidature, successes, and challenges experienced in academia, as well as my inspirations to fulfil the ever-dynamic requirements of augmenting originality and innovation in the world.

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My desire for a graduate degree was sparked by various events that took place during my undergraduate studies. Moreover, the exposure I got while undertaking my bachelor’s degree served as a revelation about the many possibilities inherent in the world of technology and laid the foundation for pursuing a career in electrical engineering. In essence, interaction with engineering theories and practices during my previous studies ignited my passion, which is why I sought to understand the engineering world at a higher level. This was further cultivated when I started attending seminars facilitated by the university in addition to the undergraduate research I engaged in as a student. I am, therefore, interested in a wide range of topics and furthering my knowledge of different concepts, and I will be happy to apply the knowledge to practice. Graduate studies at this institution will provide me with advanced skills in electrical engineering to solve problems requiring the application of engineering concepts in addition to preparing me for a worthy contribution of scholarly knowledge to the field.

Importantly, during my two years at Wuhan University of Technology, 2011 to 2013, I gained skills and qualifications necessary to become a graduate student. This is attributed to several activities I was involved in during this period. To begin with, I volunteered during the Summer Youth Olympics held in Nanjong, China. My work entailed collaborating with other team members to secure food for participants during the event. This was an open position and a learning experience because I was able to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds. In addition, I have volunteered as a teacher in Chinese schools within the San Francisco Bay area, assisting students to read and write Chinese. Volunteering has been my way of giving back to the society for what I have received over the years. After Wuhan University, I transferred to University of Missouri, Columbia, in 2013, and I am still a student there. In line with this, I am a committee member of the Chinese Union of University of Missouri, Columbia. My duties include assisting freshmen to adapt to the new college life and improve relationship among members of the union.

It is also important to mention that conducting research at the undergraduate level has greatly enhanced my skills in scientific inquiry methods and at the same time increased my desire to excel academically. Research has often required me to apply knowledge gained in the classroom setting to come up with problem-solving strategies that would lead to betterment of our society. A testament to my ability to provide practical solutions to daily problems is a joint project with my groupmates that was aimed to use micro-location and biometric technology to alert homeowners to anyone approaching the doorway or the fact that the door is left open or unlocked. I look forward to applying such practical techniques as in the capstone project during my graduate studies and later in my career. Moreover, I intend to uphold the same level of cooperation at this institution to achieve collective goals. The combination of on-field experience, technical ability, and personal attributes makes me a cut above the rest and a suitable prospect for your graduate school.

Upon graduating, I would like to involve myself in several engineering-related activities and apply the knowledge gained to daily challenges that face humanity. To begin with, I would like to start a consulting career in the field of electrical engineering. The expertise and problem-solving skills acquired throughout graduate studies will be put to use and simultaneously provide an array of solutions to different problems. It is not a secret that electrical engineers face problems that need consultation in most cases, and this is where my knowledge will be useful. In addition to practicing as a consultant, I will seek approval and listing as a professional engineer in this particular field. This will mean getting my professional practice license from the relevant bodies and using it thereafter to serve my community. Lastly, I also seek to further my research in the area of applied electrical engineering and publish it in academic journals as a way of contributing to the related body of knowledge. Overall, I am excited and looking forward to the challenges that a globally recognized institution as yours poses. I am ready to begin studies as soon as possible within your timelines.

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