Why is a Career Development Plan Important?

Career planning is a critical process that everyone should undertake. However, some workers may fail to prepare a career development plan because, according to them, management is responsible for their professional outcome. Notably, the days when companies carefully outlined the upward mobility of their employees are over (Buhler, 2019). Therefore, individuals should plan and implement strategies to advance their careers and take advantage of opportunities within and outside the workplace. Mike Scott is a typical example of a person who fails to plan and uses the available opportunities to develop his career. Although Scott could get advice from his immediate supervisor, he did not seek or receive guidance because he felt inferior and had an inadequate professional relationship with his senior. However, he still has a chance to achieve career advancement.

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His immediate supervisor would have guided Scott, but both professionals did not relate appropriately. He was not ready to pursue guidance because of the nature of their relationship. Positive connection through communication is an essential aspect of mentorship relationships (Rajendra, 2014). Although he undertook an accounting course, Scott lacked a career plan. Besides, he felt inferior because he only had a high school qualification. Therefore, those limitations were some factors that affected his interactions with the supervisor, who would have helped him advance in his career. It is impossible to receive career assistance from an unapproachable, aloof, rude, detached, and distant superior. However, with help from his current supervisor and other managers in the company, Scott can prepare himself for career advancement.

Scott should have a clear career plan and work towards realizing his objectives. He should operate under a leader with solid communication, networking skills, and emotional intelligence to help him deal with his limitations (Rajendra, 2014). Scott needs support from his organizational superiors to develop the relevant skills and abilities to advance in his career. Besides, he should realize that professional development is his responsibility. Just as Grant, Ratliff-Miller, and de la Rosa (2016) advise, Scott requires a career plan with goals to achieve within a particular time frame. Such a strategy will provide the necessary direction for his career.

In addition, Scott could identify opportunities within and outside the company to learn and develop his occupation. He should prepare for his future professional life within the current workplace and look for better chances in other organizations. Moreover, he can undertake additional learning and development opportunities, such as mentorship programs, career counseling, and workshops. Thus, Scott can achieve career advancement by having a clear plan and implementing strategies to achieve professional goals.

Employees should have definite career plans to guide their learning and development. Many people, including Scott, may assume that their careers depend on the manager’s decision rather than their efforts and planning. Hence, this misconception may hinder them from achieving any progress. They may fail to identify opportunities within and outside their organizations. Although Scott had the chance to learn and develop in his professional field, he failed because he lacked a career plan. He refused to seek or receive support from his superiors because he considered himself inferior. Despite such limitations, Scott can still achieve career advancement by having a plan and setting achievable goals. The objectives will enable him to access support from leaders and take advantage of emerging opportunities to learn and develop in his profession.

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Buhler, P. M. (2019). Career development – Preparing for the future now. Supervision80(2), 6-8.

Grant, R., Ratliff-Miller, P. & De la Rosa, D. (2016). Career goal planning system (career GPS): A model of a school of accounting’s success in student development. Business Education Innovation Journal8(1), 100-105.

Rajendra, J. D. (2014). Career planning and accountable key factors for occupation accomplishment of employees in organization. Indian Journal of Research in Management, Business and Social Sciences (IJRMBSS), 21(1), 22-25.





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