Personal Statement

The strong desire to be a part of a focused team of scholars is the basis for the application for the Charles R. Drew University (CDU) institutional scholarship. Getting the opportunity gives the chance to continue playing a critical role within the community and contributing to its development. Advancing support for the community within the area of community health, the reason for seeking a chance to better the contribution, offers the foundation for the application for the scholarship. While it could be possible to work well in the current position, a more advanced position will be even better. With a high level of determination, the sky is the limit regarding what can be contributed to the society.

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With the support from the CDU community, it is possible to continue working with the underserved members of the community (CDU). As a great nursing professional, among the critical areas of focus has been on providing care to those who are mostly left out of the health care system based on various conditions, including financial, disability, and discrimination among other critical areas. Working towards overcoming the challenge of reaching out to these people reveals a great deal of determination to see the community being a better place for everyone. Greater development in skills and experience can play a huge role in achieving this goal.

With an experience of five years, a part of the responsibility has been serving the underserved members of the community. Even with the chance to work within the formal health care, it has been possible to spend free time to reach out to the people affected by health disparities in the community. Some of the areas of focus have been providing care to children living with disabilities in an underprivileged neighborhood, which provided a great deal of fulfillment.

The current role is working on providing quality case management/utilization review in the acute setting. The role has provided the leadership opportunity to work on ensuring that the care of the patients is put into consideration. In fact, an opportunity at CDU will give an even better chance to continue developing leadership experience. Research and publishing evidence of care within the field of nursing has been one of the areas of focus, as an individual and as a member of teams. Research and publishing findings are a major requirement in the course of education. Other requirements are taking part in presentations, which contribute to learning from peers and in developing skills. Another source of the learning and development process has been engaging in nursing student organizations. The opportunities are available during the undergraduate and master’s degree programs.

With the academic training and academic goals, there is no doubt that great things lie ahead within the field of nursing and community health care in general. There is no longer fulfillment from working as a bedside nurse and advancing the training will make it possible to provide advanced roles in the nursing field and beyond. Therefore, the opportunity to advance education under the CDU Scholarship is critical. It will be an honor to be part of professionals who seek to improve the community and provide health services to the under-served members.

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