Personal Leadership Philosophies

Authentic Leadership

Leadership plays an essential role in the success of healthcare organizations. Various researchers have explored the area of leadership and the different styles and behaviors that have a positive effect on organizational outcomes. Laschinger, Borgogni, Consiglio, and Read (2015) suggest the existence of authentic leadership in creating self-efficacy and resilience to cope with workplace demands. Rsegan, Laschinger, and Wong (2016) support the observation by revealing a relationship between authentic leadership and the empowerment of nurses in the workplace. One of the authentic leadership styles in nursing is transformational leadership, where the leader empowers employees to collaborate towards organizational success (Aga, Noorderhaven, & Vallejo, 2016; Marshall & Broome, 2017). Therefore, as a leader, I strive to become more transformational and authentic.

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A Description of my Core Values

I have realized the importance of having ethical values to become an effective leader in health care organizations. Some of my core values are honesty, openness, humility, patience, morality, and commitment. I practice these values when working with my colleagues and patients. Over the years, I have learned that the values enable me to create a comfortable working environment that supports personal and team development. Such standards are the basis for transformational leadership (Marshall & Broome, 2017). Besides, they underlie my effectiveness in leading others.

A Personal Mission/Vision Statement

My mission as a leader is to become competent in guiding others to achieve personal and organizational goals through team-work and empowerment. My mission is to build a team of empowered, motivated, and committed caregivers to improve quality outcomes.

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An Analysis of my CliftonStrengths Assessment

From my assessment, I realized five themes, including Futuristic, Relator, Intellection, Learner, and Responsibility. As a futuristic leader, I am future-oriented and create a clear vision for the future. As a relator, I work with others to achieve the group’s vision, goals, and objectives. The intellection theme suggests my innovative nature when working with others to achieve goals. Being a learner indicates that I am committed to continued learning to improve performance. The responsibility theme reveals that I am accountable for successes and failures.

Two Key Behaviors that to Strengthen

Through the assessment and research, I have identified two behaviors that I should strengthen to become a better leader. First, I should improve my level of confidence to lead others better. Secondly, I should learn to manage my emotions and those of others to increase my efficacy in teamwork

A Development Plan

I will achieve the behavior-improvement goals by reading and practicing. I have interacted with many books on improving leadership skills and behaviors that will assist in gaining more confidence and emotional intelligence. Besides, to become a better leader and achieve my vision, I will take advantage of opportunities to work with others in teams. I will practice using empowerment to motivate and build commitment among team members to achieve my vision as a leader. Learning through practice is the most effective approach to realize my leadership development goals.


Overall, leadership is the most critical aspect of building operational health care organizations. Therefore, to become a better leader, I should understand my strengths and weaknesses to improve my areas of limitation. The assignment, including an assessment of strengths and research, has become the basis for my future efforts to improve my leadership. I have the necessary resources to enhance my leadership skills and behaviors.

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