Dangers of Loud Music

Most teenagers are aware of the dangers of listening to loud music from electronic devices such as the iPods and Mp3 players. However, most of them believe that they cannot be victims of hearing loss. The effects of loud music do not manifest immediately but over an extended period. Hence, to avoid the imminent dangers connected to loud music, it is imperative to discuss the importance of having warning labels on the music players.

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Research has shown that individuals who have developed hearing problems can relate them to loud music. According to Hear-It (2014), loud music above 110 decibels creates vibration in the ears, thus causing temporary hearing loss and eventually, the situation can be permanent. The loud music gradually damages the ear structure, causing tinnitus, which may lead to permanent loss of hearing (CISION, 2007).

According to Anderson (2006), it is important for the manufactures of the iPods and MP3 players to include explicit warning labels on the devices they produce to caution the users of the dangers involved. The labels may also include safe volume levels that are not likely to cause damage to the ear. By enforcing the use of warning labels on the iPods and MP3 players, there is likely to be a reduction in the cases of hearing loss.

Despite knowing the dangers connected to music players, adolescents continue to use the gadgets without caution. Therefore, all those devices, including MP3 and iPod should have warning labels, indicating the potential dangers of loud music as well as the related health risks. The labels will play a significant role in protecting the public by informing those who may not be aware of problems connected to loud music. Additionally, the music players should have safe volume limits that are not harmful to the users.

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