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  1. Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?

My practice area has designed a program to improve self-care among diabetic patients to reduce the cost of care for patients and the healthcare organization. The program involves extensive training for diabetic patients at the hospital to achieve its objective. The budget of the program includes the acquisition of training materials and compensation for trainers. However, the outcome comprises the achievement of health promotion and education goals in health care. It will also reduce the cost of treatment and decrease the increasing demand for health care providers, including nurses.

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  1. Who is your target population?

The program targets diabetic patients and at-risk individuals to train them about self-care. For example, they will be educated about the proper dietary plans to reduce the risk, treat, and manage the condition (Fex et al., 2015). The program targets the adult members of the community to reduce the high prevalence of diabetes.

  1. What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?

The nurse will provide significant input into the design of the diabetes management and self-care program. Nursing professionals work with patients and at-risk populations; hence, they understand their needs. The data is critical for effective program design (Sacristán & Dilla, 2015). Therefore, they will propose the requirements to include in the program. Nurses can provide a variety of information for the design and implementation of the program. For example, they can inform designers about the actual population to target and information to include in the program, such as health foods available in the target community.

  1. What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program?

As an advocate of the target population, I will require financial resources from policymakers in government and the hospital to successfully implement the program (Tummers & Bekkers, 2014). For example, I will provide an evidence-based case to support the need for the program in the community (Klein & Sorra, 1996). My role will be instrumental in the success of the program.

  1. Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?

I have input in the design decisions because I will be a crucial stakeholder in the program. I will offer guidance on the number of individuals to target during each training session. I will also help in identifying competent trainers in the program.

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I will also impact the design of the program through the identification of the necessary resources to support the training program. I will assist in designing the training content because I understand the needs of diabetic patients in the community.

  1. What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?

The nurse will be the actual implementer of the program. The nurse works with diabetic patients closely and understands how the program will impact their treatment and management. Besides, the nurse can communicate effectively with patients to explain the importance of self-care (Fex et al., 2015). The role varies between design and implementation of the program because while the nurse is not the direct designer of the program, he or she is the implementer. The nurse is responsible for the necessary change to integrate the transformation into practice. For example, the nurse might not create the training content (program design), but he or she will conduct the training and behavior change activities (program implementation).

  1. Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?

The program implementation will involve a collaborative effort among various members of a healthcare team, comprising of case managers, nurse administrator, nurses, doctor, pharmacist, and nutritionist. The case manager will explain the various causes of diabetes and their management. The doctor will inform the team about a common diagnosis in the hospital. The nurse administrator will provide necessary resources for nurse to create a conducive environment for implementation. The pharmacist and nutritionist will guide on the need for dietary interventions instead of drugs.

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