Commons-Based Peer Production

The commons-based peer production is a digital era concept in which the use of computer and online-based platforms connect software and content developers. In essence, the cooperation in the sharing of ideas among large groups peers production has proved to be immensely productive. Consequently, some of the finest software, supercomputer, and best directories have emerged. Therefore, the peer production offers an incredible medium of the development of the information goods, positive character formations, as well as social virtues, such as benevolence, charity, and generosity, which assist the individuals in overcoming self-centeredness.

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Article Summary

The authors state that commons-based production takes place in an environment where the principles of collaboration are enhanced devoid of managerial hierarchies. Indeed, some entities have adopted the concept and established peer-production enterprises. Therefore, the initiatives are required to have low-cost integration to succeed amidst the free software offered in the online virtual platform. In fact, the autonomy, independence, and liberation are shared values adopted in the collaboration. Under those premises, the participants can volunteer for the engagement, continue, or cease at any stage of the development. More importantly, the creativity and productivity are imperative when involving commons-based peer projects. For the participants to be of value in the projects, they must be critical thinkers and ready to push for the common course to realize the intended objectives.

The most interesting section of the article is the discussion of how commons-based peer production works. According to the author, the engagement involves tens of thousands of individuals working systematically towards the development of free software projects. Therefore, the participants operate with a common goal while working in a less informal and unstructured way. Besides, the individuals are not enticed by the material and economic gains, but the internal desire for results keep them united. On the other hand, the strangers volunteer to work in the uncontrolled environment to produce some of the world’s best software and allow the users to apply them without any cost. In other words, no one or a section of the participants can claim ownership or commercialize the software. Sometimes, multinational companies in related digital operations invest in supporting the development of the free software. For instance, IBM offered about $ 1 billion to support the development of the Linux kernel and Apache Web Server Software without seeking any ownership rights. Such incidences as presented in the article have changed my view regarding commitment for the common good of the society irrespective of the expected gains.

Response to the Article

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The article is very informative about the subject matter. Despite the fact that the matter concerns an issue that has emerged recently, the content provided is rich in the context. A reader without the prior knowledge about the subject will get the insights about the concept of commons-based peer production, how it works, the systems used, and the output expected. Moreover, various examples of people and firms that have played a key role in the development of commons-based production are also provided. Additionally, various free software components developed through the concept are provided to enhance understanding.

As it is evident from the article analysis, the commons-based peer production is a platform upon which many of the free software have been developed. In fact, the participants volunteer in committing their time and resources to pursue the free software development. In essence, the virtues such as benevolence, charity, and generosity have compelled individuals to remain committed to the noble cause of assisting the society. Despite the absence of the formal system and management hierarchy, some of the best software has emerged through the application of the commons-based peer production concept.

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