Case Study: Mental Health Week at Muccillo House

Health Promotion and Prevention

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The mental health promotion and prevention initiative is part of the organization’s attempt to create awareness and develop resilience in individuals, groups, and the community about the importance of preventing and reducing the effects of mental illness.

Health Promotion Initiatives

In Australia, the government, in collaboration with other health care professionals, has developed some health promotion initiatives. Among the relevant initiatives for mental health promotion include the National Drug Strategy, National Alcohol Strategy, Psychosocial Support for People with severe mental illness, and National Youth Mental Health Foundation (headspace).

The Ottawa Charter and Relevance

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The Charter identifies critical actions to achieve health promotion objectives by strengthening relevant principles and practice, such as supportive environments, creating health partnerships and public policy, and closing the equity gap.

Planned Activity and Resources


  • To create awareness among stakeholders about the need for mental health prevention in the community.


  • To educate the stakeholders about relevant strategies available in the community to prevent and seek support in the cases of mental health illness.

Key Messages

  • There is no health without mental health
  • There is hope
  • Mental health is everyone’s business
  • The need to prevent and seek help

Measurable Goals and Objectives

  1. To create awareness about mental health prevention and support, 80% of the target stakeholders within one month.
  2. To achieve behavior change regarding mental health among the Muccillo House community within one month.

Target participants/audience

  • Muccillo House volunteers

Resources and Constraints

  • Human resources, finances to meet the budget, space, printing materials, and other supplies.


  1. Government representative
  2. Health practitioners
  3. Social workers
  4. Patients
  5. Volunteer community members
  6. Any other interested person

Evaluation Strategies

  • Collect data from participants using a questionnaire.
  • Maintain anonymity to ensure the privacy of stakeholders.
  • Improve future health promotion and prevention initiatives through feedback.
  • Share feedback with Muccillo House administration.
  • Offer ongoing monitoring of behavior change.

Involvement of volunteers

  • Volunteers will attend and share their knowledge about mental health promotion and prevention.

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