APRN Scope of Nursing
SB 972 and HD821 are significant bills that augment the practice scope of nurses and authorize registered nurses to perform functions within their specialty in the absence of supervision or protocol agreement. The bills allow qualified nurses to manage, admit, care, and discharge patients, as well as offer endorsement previously given by physicians only (Brandes, 2019). The SB 972 and HD 821 consent the practice of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) in the absence of a physician’s supervision. Their significance is to ensure that the State Florida modernizes the delivery system of healthcare and guarantees that all residents can access health services (Nicol, 2019). The goals are achievable through the independent practice of APRN, among other strategies.
Some states allow the autonomous practice of ARPNs, while others do not. Notably, some states fail to contemplate the changes adopted in APRN training, and hence, fear for the well-being and safety of patients. On the other hand, many states recognize that APRNs can effectively and safely offer critical health services just as physicians do (Nicol, 2019). For NPs to work independently, training facilities need to ensure that graduating NPs are competent to offer quality services in the health facilities (Peterson, 2017). Hence, they should ensure that a high level of nursing education quality control is enhanced.
Patients, Nursing Practitioners (NP), and the public will benefit if APRNs are allowed to practice independently. Hence, the passing of these bills will enhance access to primary care and reduce costs of health care, since a shortage of primary care providers’ affects access to healthcare, increases costs, and decreases the quality of life (Hain & Fleck, 2014). Eventually, this initiative will attract more health practitioners and improve local economic activities.
I am in favor of APRNs independence because it will reduce the cumbersome supervision agreements that need to be maintained by NPs, especially since they typically do not meet with a collaborating physician. Besides, APRNs offer high quality and cost-effective healthcare as physicians do. Moreover, considering other states that have implemented SB 972 and HD 821, it is evident that the independence of APRNs is practical.