Action Plan

Action Plan for Continuous Learning and Improvement

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The formulation of an action plan is the second activity of closure. Action plans for continuous learning and improvement are written so that the team does not repeat the same mistakes of the current project in their next project. In addition, the action plan allows the team to highlight what should be done differently in the next project. Different approaches can be used towards the creation of an action plan. For this project, we use a chart for which most of the information is contained in a table as shown below.

Goal: To foster continuous improvement and the team learning

Standard(s) this goal relates to: Team Processes

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Current situation/rating: Team processes are well setup and followed, but there is room for improvement.

Target date of reaching goal: 5 weeks from now

Steps to take Who is responsible? Due Date
Design: Set up an appropriate balance for time periods that allows the team to work together, work apart, and work together again.

While the modular leadership model employed proved to be ideal for this project, some loopholes may do well with a little improvement. The modular design emphasizes on the division of tasks and by doing so, little time is set aside for the team to work together. This can be improved by providing fixed interval times in between tasks for the team to convene, discuss different challenges team members may be facing, while carrying out their tasks, and providing solutions before allowing the team members to resume their individual tasks.

Director First Week
Climate: Explore more options for enhancing task and interpersonal connections for a better climate.

Task connection was sufficiently covered through the various task norms and approaches used. However, there is a need for an improvement on the enhancement of interpersonal connections. In fact, interpersonal connections are critical to building trust and thereby important for every team. There is a need to have various activities and provisions that improve interpersonal connections such as introducing team-building activities. The team building activities are many ranging from vocational retreats to simple lunch sessions and office activities. Team members should also be encouraged to communicate with each other regularly and as such, team members should exchange personal contacts. Good practices like congratulating team members on their birthdays, greeting everybody in the morning, sharing correct information, avoiding baseless rumors and not interfering with team members work also go a long way in enhancing interpersonal communication (“MSG Experts”, n. d).

Deputy Director Second Week
Resources: Establish a more detailed communication plan.

Access to resources and setting up communication channels was probably the best-covered team-process in this project. The team provided a good assortment of collaboration tools to be used during the project ranging from emails to teleconferencing. However, there needs to be a detailed description of when to use what tools and for what purpose. Some tools; for example, the Skype, and teleconferencing have many similarities in their nature and thereby need a differentiation of roles detailing when to use which tool and for what purpose.

 Manager Third Week
Norms and Procedures: Add norms and procedures that facilitate the completion of team projects and tasks.

The team had established communication norms to guide communication behavior. The list of communication norms that can be implemented is quite long and the team could do with an addition of such norms. However, the team needs to establish clear norms regarding the management and accomplishment of team projects. In this aspect, they should consider tasks such as how strict is the meeting of deadlines, how conflicts and failure to meet set norms are resolved, what exceptions may validate missing a meeting, how long meetings should be, who writes and keeps the minutes in every meeting, and any other important norm that is not set.

Lead Coordinator 1 Fourth Week
Continuous Improvement: Come up with a better continuous improvement plan.

Continuous improvement is a crucial team process that sets the ground for improved team activities in subsequent projects. The current procedures put in place for capturing knowledge for continuous learning include the assessment and action plan for continuous improvement. Further development, in this plan, could entail the creation of a control document of transition project task. The document includes the background of the project, the completion criteria to determine whether the objectives of the project were met, deliverables, documenting the final budget versus the actual budget, staff release planning and activities, closure of communications, and closure of financial accounts (“West Virginia”, 2013). The document is basically a guideline to ensure no components are left open after the project is completed and a starting point for the next project.

Lead Coordinator 2 Fifth Week



Action planning for continuous learning and improvement is a critical phase of closure. Action planning involves reviewing team processes and coming up with an actionable plan that can be used to improve the project processes in future projects. We have identified improvements that can be applied to existing team processes and further actions or steps that should be added to the existing team processes to ensure a better plan for consequent projects.

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