Lean Model in Evidence Based Practice

Lean model is applicable in nursing setup because it encourages scientific inquiry in evidence-based practice. According to Halm et al. (2018), Lean-EBP model improves the quality of care and supports continuous improvements. Considering that EBP is a clinical model that enhances scientific inquiry, integrating the concept in a care setting establishes value in shared decision making between patients and healthcare professionals (Halm et al., 2018). Accordingly, incorporating the approach within clinical settings reduces wastages of both time and resources and enhances service delivery by encouraging inter-professional consultations. Although nurses apply various services to support patients, integrating Lean-EBP in nursing practice can improve the spirit of inquiry, advance precision in the process of care delivery, and maintain security in medical healthcare records.

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Electronic healthcare records (EHR) simplify the management of patients’ medical information. According to Dinkins, Arnold, Charlene Banta, and RHIA (2018), the application of the lean model to EHR eliminates delays, redundancy, and errors in EHR, which increases efficiency. Lean model protects patients’ data and enhances security through passwords and login credentials. It also specifies patients’ data and simplifies data interpretation compared to paper-based recording approach. Therefore, the lean model is applied to define, refine, analyze, and control framework that promotes documentation of electronic healthcare records.

In addition, the application of the lean model in the evidence-based practice improves quality, enhances stakeholder satisfaction, and reduces time wastage, which translates to enhanced patient outcomes (Dinkins et al., 2018). In essence, applying lean-EBP augments technology utilization and enhances data security and accessibility of medical information on the EHR platform, a process that improves care delivery. Therefore, the lean model promotes training and responsibility of teams, which enhances the security of patients’ data.

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